Easy Baked Chicken Recipe
This easy Baked chicken recipe is so delicious that you won't believe that you have just made it. Lets call it Honey Mustard Chicken as, well, thats what it is.... All your need is a hot oven, some chicken, about 15 minutes preperation time, the ingredients below and about four people to eat it(unless your really hungry).
- Four Chicken breasts
- 5 Tbsp cup honey
- 1/3 cup French mustard
- 6 tbpn butter, melted
- 3 tspn curry powder
- 1 Tspn of Paprika
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- Black pepper
- Smidgen of salt

Mix the french mustard, curry powder, honey, butter and pepper in a large bowl. Add a small amount of olive oil into a casserole dish and put in the chicken, space evelnly. Cover the chicken in the honey and mustard mixture. Cover and, if you have time, put to one side for about an hour. Don't worry if you are in a hurry, it will still be lovely. Preheat the oven to about 200°C. Cover the chicken in tin foil and put the cassserole dish in the oven. Cook for about 30 minute. Take the chicken out an dremove the cover. Add some more of the honey and mustard mixture to the top of the chicken. Put it back in the oven uncovered untill the chicken is ready, about another 30 - 35 minutes.
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